Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Goodbye Boost Blog Traffic. Hello Smart Blogger

Well, surprise, surprise, surprise… as my good ol’ buddy Gomer Pyle used to say. 🙂

After four wonderful years on, we’ve decided to rebrand as


In one word: evolution.

Back in 2012, I was one little voice in a sea of people blogging about blogging. To stand out, I picked a topic I knew I could talk about better than anybody else: traffic.

Turned out to be a smart move. Within just a couple months, more than 13,000 people jumped on the prelaunch list. Within nine months, we crossed $500,000 of revenue.

All from talking about traffic.

Gradually though, the space evolved, and so did we. We still talked about traffic, but we also dabbled in teaching about other aspects of building a popular blog, aspects like writing, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and monetizing your blog.

At some point, just wasn’t appropriate anymore. We needed a new brand, a new vision that encompassed everything we’d become.

And here it is.

Welcome to Smart Blogger. 🙂

The Times, They Are A-Changin’

Let’s be clear…

Even though we’re removing “traffic” from the domain name, we’ll still be talking about it as much as ever. In fact, the subject matter of the blog isn’t really changing all that much.

What’s changing is our target audience.

You see, most bloggers are hobbyists. They enjoy writing, and they publish a post every now and again, but it’s no big deal to them if the site ever grows or turns into anything.

But there’s also this other group…

… a much smaller group…

For us, blogging is a means to an end. It’s a way to get a book deal, launch an online business, attract high-paying clients, or become a thought leader.

And we’re really freaking serious about it.

Not because we’re fanatics or anything (okay, maybe a little, lol), but because our time is precious to us. We don’t have the luxury of sitting around writing shit nobody reads. We expect each and every post we publish to move us closer to our goal.

But here’s the problem…

There are a gazillion different tactics you can use to start your blog, and there’s no easy way to figure out which ones work and which ones don’t. You end up jumping from tactic to tactic, dabbling in a little bit of everything, and pulling your hair out because you’re wasting so much time.

Frustrating, right?

Well, here’s the good news…

That stops today.

The Vision for Smart Blogger

As of right now, Smart Blogger is here to help. We’ll teach you:

How to use blogging to accomplish your goals without wasting your time

The handful of tactics that are working in the trenches right now

Where to get the tools and resources you’ll need on your journey

And when the going gets tough?

We’ll be there to give you a pep talk… or a kick in the rear. Whichever you need most. 🙂

I can’t promise it’ll be easy. I can’t promise it’ll be fast. I can’t promise it’ll be painless.

But I’ll make this commitment to you right now:

Where most bloggers are stumbling around in the dark, confused about what to do next, feeling like an idiot for wasting so much time, you’ll have the confidence of knowing you’re on the right path, taking the right steps, surrounded by the right people.

In other words, you won’t be just another blogger. You’ll be a smart blogger.

And you’ll get all the rewards that are coming to ya. I’ll make sure of it.

About the Author: Jon Morrow has repeatedly asked to be called “His Royal Awesomeness,” but no one listens to him. So, he settles for the CEO of Smart Blogger. Poor man. 😉

The post Goodbye Boost Blog Traffic. Hello Smart Blogger appeared first on Smart Blogger.