Wednesday, June 24, 2020

255 Blog Post Ideas That’ll Tantalize Your Readers in 2020

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an ultimate list of blog post ideas?

A definitive resource you could bookmark and reference whenever the need arises?

We thought so too.

So, we decided to create it. This is the biggest, most in-depth list of blog post ideas available on the web.

(Seriously. We’re pushing 12,000 words here.)

Let’s jump in.

To make it as easy as possible to navigate this behemoth, we’ve grouped our massive list of blog post ideas and question prompts into 11 categories.

Click the category that speaks to you, or just scroll down until you find an idea that jumps off the page:

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1. A Tested Method for How to Do Something

It’s not enough to write about someone else’s experience. Your readers want more.

Run your own test. Explain how it went for you. From breaking down a new method for starting a blog to how to build a better mousetrap, the possibilities are endless.

Example: How to Start a Blog in 2020 (+ Resources on EVERYTHING!) by Jon Morrow

2. A Creative Recipe for How to Make Something

One way to hook your readers is to give them a different approach to completing a complex task.

Use the same format you would if you were sharing a cooking recipe. Provide the ingredients and the steps to follow from start to finish.

Example: 14 Ingredients that will Help You Write Great Content by Barry Feldman

3. Instructions for How to Protect Your Blog

Readers running their own blog are looking for ways to protect it.

Educate them on how to save their website and its content from hackers, bots, and thieves.

Example: What To Do When Someone Steals Your Content by Kim Garst

4. How to Stay Motivated Despite Obstacles

Readers appreciate advice that helps them get through hard times. Share applicable strategies that’ll help them with the obstacles they face.

Example: How To Blog Through Personal Tragedy by Kevin J. Duncan

5. Tips for Finding a Job You’ll Love

Your readers might be fresh out of college, or maybe they’re changing careers. They might have recently entered the job market for one reason or another.

They want to find a job they’ll love.

Tell them what they need to know. Give them ideas and places to look.

Example: How to Find (& Land) Freelance Writing Jobs by Kevin J. Duncan

6. Self-Improvement Tips

People are always looking for ways to improve themselves.

Write about careers, relationships, or health. Give different or more comprehensive tips. Be unique or unusual to stand out.

Example: 16 Small Ways You Can Improve Your Life in Less than 30 Minutes by Alyse Kalish

7. Helpful Checklist for Completing a Project

A handy checklist makes anything easier.

Example: 10 Things You Need to Do After You Publish Your Blog Post by Mary Fernandez

8. A “No Bull” Promise

Don’t beat around the bush. Write a post that promises zero filler and zero pulled punches. And then deliver on the promise.

Example: 6 No-BS Ways to Create Passive Income from Blogging by Nick Schäferhoff

9. Overcoming Bad Habits

Habits can be either helpful or problematic. Explain how bad habits can cause issues, and give your readers a way to get past them.

Example: How to Break a Bad Habit and Replace It With a Good One by James Clear

10. Create an Infographic

Pick a data-heavy post you’ve written and create a visual element (infographic) to complement your beautiful words. All you need is a free Canva account.

Example: The Epic Content Cycle: 10 Steps to 10X Content [Infographic] by Sonia Thompson

11. Financial Advice

Financial advice is a popular blog topic. The World Economic Forum found the average adult will outlive their savings by approximately a decade.

You can be general or you can narrow your audience (freelancers, blog owners, etc.). Give tips for wise spending and saving.

Example: Trying to Earn More Money? Stop Wasting Your Time by Ramit Sethi

12. Transcribe Podcasts or YouTube Videos

Not everyone wants to or can listen to audio, especially in noisy or workplace environments. By transcribing your own podcasts or videos, you make your content more accessible, improve your reputation, and expand your reach to those with disabilities.

Example: Transcript for The Things Successful Bloggers Do to Build Their Blogs Into Businesses by Darren Rowse

13. Clever Life or Career Hacks

Readers like tips and tricks that aren’t common.

Don’t be generic. Focus on a specific life path, activity, or goal.

Example: 100 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier by Brian Lee

14. Most Recommended Books, Podcasts…

Recommendation posts are popular when your suggestions are lesser-known. The internet has too many of these posts with common recommendations.

Your post can stand out when you offer a mix of known and uncommon suggestions.

Example: 31 Writing Podcasts You’ve GOT to Hear by Mel Wicks

15. Compare Apps or Devices

Choose 3-5 ones you value and none you dislike completely. You should know how to demonstrate the good and the bad.

Add descriptions, pros, cons, and your own experience. You’ll know best if you’ve used the products yourself.

Example: AWeber Vs GetResponse Vs MailChimp: A Detailed Comparison Review by David Hartshorne

16. Pros and Cons of A Specific Activity or Decision

Choose a typical activity to allow readers to relate. Walk them through the rewards (pros) and problems (cons). Get detailed enough to make the choice easier to make.

Example: Should You Write Long Form Blog Posts? Analyzing the Debate

17. Revive a Post From Your Archives

Take a post you wrote months or years ago and give it a new coat of paint. Update it, tweak it, or strip it bare and start over.

Example: How to Become a Better Writer: 14 Tips to Up Your Writing Game by Kevin J. Duncan

18. Top 10 Skills People Should Have to Succeed in Your Field or Industry

Choose a role you have (or had) and discuss the skills required. Explain why each skill is needed and how they can be learned.

Example: The 10 Best Skills You Need As A Marketing Professional

19. Create an Ultimate Guide that Includes Every Detail on a Blog Topic

Whether you’re explaining how to write a blog post, or you’re using a different topic, you need to make the post as comprehensive as possible. Answer every question and go over all the steps.

You should know the reasons it’s ultimate, why it exists (benefits to your readers), and your own pros and cons as a writer.

Example: How to Write a Blog Post in 2020: The Ultimate Guide by Liz Longacre

20. Things You Wish You Knew Before You Started Your Blog, Career, or Business

This is mostly a lessons learned post, so go over any mistakes and regrets. Teach the best way your readers can get started without making the same mistakes.

Example: 4 Things About SEO I Wish I Knew When I Started by Neil Patel

21. Workplace or Personal Relations Advice

Write about how to handle conflict, difficult people, or workplace politics. Or, write about the positive relations instead of focusing on the problems.

Example: Why Workplace Friendships are Good for You (and How to Form Them) by G. John Cole

22. Your Best Industry-Specific Tips

What has worked for you? How can you teach these tips so that others can benefit, too? Pick the tips that are less common but surprisingly effective.

Example: 13 Smart Tips To Supercharge Your Social Media Marketing Strategy by Alee King

23. A List of Writing Prompts

These are questions or fill-in-the-blanks that get the creative juices flowing.

Example: Stuck? Try These 72 Creative Writing Prompts (+ 6 Bonus Tips) by Mel Wicks

24. A List of 256 Blog Post Ideas

Up for the challenge? 🙂

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25. Connect Two Seemingly Unrelated Themes

This is a creative approach where you can help people understand something using a mainstream or relatable reference.

For example, you can connect a form of entertainment, such as a movie or television show, to a business process.

26. How Something We Use Every Day is Made

It can be educational in an actionable way where people can take your advice and do the task themselves. Or it can be something interesting but feeds curiosity instead of creating action.

27. A Research-Driven Blog Topic

Studies are useful for their thorough research into the industry or another specified area. You can research by surveying a relevant audience, experiment on your own, compile effective strategies, or a combination of it all.

Example: Anchor Text: A Data‐Driven Guide (384,614 Web Pages Studied) by Joshua Hardwick

28. Success Secrets

What industry, career, or personal success stories can you share? What worked for you that might be new or uncommon?

29. How Something Complex Works

Make a complicated process easier to understand, follow, and apply. Or explain something interesting but not applicable, feeding curiosity instead.

30. Top # Things No One Knows About…

Make this about you, your industry, or something relevant to a specific subject. You should be as unique as possible. Provide information that might already exist but your readers don’t know about it yet.

Example: 10 Writing Tips You Absolutely Won’t Have Heard Anywhere Else Before by Ali Luke

31. Common Misconceptions…

What confusion can you clarify about your industry, career, or your own blog topics?

Example: 5 Content Marketing Misconceptions That May Be Killing Your Conversions by Shane Barker

32. A Summary

Summarize a book, movie, or complex subject to make it easier and quicker to digest. Find a comprehensive blog post or online resource you can summarize as a preview before people dive into it.

Example: Free Book Summaries of Incredible Nonfiction Books by Arthur Worsley

33. A List of Little-Known Facts

What information do you have about a specific topic that your readers might not know?

Example: 16 Little Known Facts About the Greatest Songs of All Time by Brandon Specktor

34. Debunk Myths with Facts

You can make this fun by using myths from history or entertainment, or you can be more relevant to your industry. Find a myth or myths that you can debunk with truths.

Example: Busted! 23 Marketing Myths Held By (Some) Industries by Alexi Lambert

35. An A-Z Post Around One Blog Topic

These are creative yet difficult posts to write. Find a word for every letter of the alphabet while staying on one topic.

Example: An A to Z Guide to Personal Branding [Infographic] by Barry Feldman and Seth Price

36. Advice for Handling Tough Situations

Give your readers a list of common situations they might face, and explain any strategies for getting through them.

Some examples you can use: divorce, lay-offs, or your own story (if you have one).

37. Common Mistakes…

Mistakes happen, but you can help your readers avoid them. Find some of the common mistakes your readers might make, and teach people some strategies for preventing them.

38. A Lesson Learned

Did you try something that didn’t work out? Is there a mistake you made that had significant consequences? These are questions that have the potential for a lesson learned post.

Make this a post that shares the mistake you made, the consequences, and what you learned from the experience.

39. Answer a Complex Question with Simple Language

Some industry information can be complicated for your readers to understand. They might see instructions filled with jargon or complex steps to take.

In this type of post, you can ditch the heavy jargon and explain something with simplicity. Your readers will have what they need to understand what the industry information means.

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40. How You Started Your Blog, Career, or Business

Tell your origin story. Inspire your readers so they can follow in your footsteps.

Example: On Dying, Mothers, and Fighting for Your Ideas by Jon Morrow

41. Inspirational Quotes Around One Theme

Quotes can be a useful way of giving readers a deeper appreciation for the theme. These posts are meant to inspire your readers and give them a confidence boost. You can also use them to motivate readers into taking a specific action.

Example: 25 Quotes About Time and How to Make the Most of It by Arthur Worsley

42. A List of Recommended Influencers to Follow

When you want to gain more attention, mentioning influencers is a great tactic. You not only help your readers with their own interests. You increase your own influence.


You tell the influencers you mentioned them. This will increase the likelihood they’ll show appreciation and maybe share your post with their bigger audience.

Example: Top 10 Social Media Influencers You Need to Follow by Shane Barker

43. Reading List of the Year or Season

People are reading your blog, so they’re likely to read more elsewhere. Give them your recommendations.

It helps to give your list a time-frame, such as summer, to give readers a theme for what they read when. It’ll also help you narrow down your list to a specific theme as well.

Example: 101 books to dive into this summer: a massive reading list by Rebekah Barnett and Chelsea Catlett

44. Your Favorite Blog Posts in One Time Frame

It can be blog posts of the week, month, or quarter. It depends on how often you publish blog posts of your own.

Find a theme of blog topics from around the web you found helpful, and promote them in your list.

45. A Curated List of Links Around One Theme

This is similar to the influencers list. It helps your readers with that specific theme, and it helps you get more attention from those sources you mention.

Your blog topic will be more successful if you explain each link with detail. It’s not enough to simply list sources. Explain the source and why you’re including it. How can it help your readers?

46. A Collection of Expert Advice Around One Theme

Experts are trustworthy, and readers take their advice seriously. When you create a themed roundup with known experts, you give readers what they’ll trust and appreciate.

Use expert roundups to gain attention from those you cite, but make sure you received permission to use their quotes. It’s best to ask them to give you a new quote specifically for your post.

Example: Conversion Rate Optimization Tips for 2019 – Expert Roundup by Ben Pines

47. A Series of Posts About One Blog Topic

This is different from other ideas. It’s not just one post but rather a collection of at least three blog topics. You can use a series to expand the topic comprehensiveness without making it one massive post.

Example: Pillar Content: 4 Important Lessons for Beginners by Liz Murphy

48. Your Most Popular Posts

You might already have a sidebar that shows your readers your most popular blog posts.

This is a different possibility. Use a “most popular posts” list to put attention on certain categories or blog topics. Instead of an all-time popularity list, narrow it down by topic or time frame.

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49. 1,000 Words About a Picture

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” People can look at one photo and be inspired to tell a whole story behind the image. This type of blog post takes that common saying and puts it in action.

Find a picture that you can write 1,000 words as a story or explanation. It’s a literal way of making that saying real.

50. A Harsh Review of Something Already Known to be Bad

We all know that certain parts of life, including habits or items, are bad. Use this blog post idea to be critical without risking controversy. People will already agree with you, so it’ll be fun for them to read your opinions on it.

51. Roast Your Favorite Celebrity

Have you seen the Comedy Central celebrity roasts? It’s a show where celebrities poke fun at another featured celebrity, and it’s a tactic you can use on your blog.

Choose your favorite celebrity, or one you know plenty about, and write your own jokes about them.

52. Create a Hypothetical Scenario

Create a fictional event, and explain how you’d handle it.

What would you do if there was a real zombie apocalypse like The Walking Dead television show? Write out the story from beginning to end as long as it’s not novel length.

53. How Your Grandparents Describe Millennials or Generation Z

Your grandparents or baby boomers are from a time that differs from today in many ways. Use that difference as a blog post.

Explain how older generations would talk about younger generations. Write about the differences in interests, lifestyles, and ethics. You can interview people or create your own opinions.

54. Pick 3 Influencers and Create Their Hypothetical Collaboration Project

You have YouTube or other social media influencers with their own themes. They each have a well-known brand and large audience.

Choose three of these popular people and make up a project they’d work on together. What could they feature? What campaigns could they promote? Would they support a cause?

55. Pick a Random Word and Write a Post About It

Pick something simple, such as “water,” or get more specific (“creek”). Write an entire blog post about that one word.

You can flip through a dictionary until you land on a random entry. Pick a word you can explain in detail without researching what it means.

The simpler the word, the better. It makes your post more entertaining.

56. Compile a List of Useless Facts

You don’t want to get into statistics or complex data here. Instead, write random information your readers won’t need to know.

Some books have featured useless facts, such as this book by Don Voorhees. And you, too, can write your own. Choose a theme, and write a bunch of truths that are interesting but unnecessary.

57. Feature a Massive Collection of Something

Do you have a coin collection? Stamps? Or do you have a collection of something unusual?

Take a few pictures and explain your collection. Why did you start collecting them? How did you find each item? Do you have any plans for what you’ll do with them?

58. How You’d Use a Time Machine

We’re all curious about how past events could have played out, or we wish we could have witnessed a specific time in history.

Write a blog post about what events you’d visit with your own time machine. Would you change a series of events? Explain these details with your readers.

59. What You’d Say If You Met Your Favorite Celebrity

This person can be alive or deceased, and “celebrity” means more than only movie stars. Be creative in who you choose, but make sure your readers know who this person is.

Write a dialogue you’d have with this celebrity if you were to meet them.

60. Create an Urban Myth

An urban myth (also called an urban legend or old wives’ tale) is an entertaining way to humor or frighten readers.

Heads up pennies are lucky. Spilling salt brings bad luck. These old wives’ tales bring humor through superstition.

Bloody Mary, sewer alligators, and the boogeyman are urban myths that frighten.

Now it’s your turn to create your own fun or scary myth.

61. Describe Your Favorite Place to Write

Is it somewhere peaceful, such as the beach, or somewhere isolated, such as the woods? Do you prefer indoors?

Share a photo of your writing space, and explain why it’s your favorite. Give details of how it helps your writing creativity and productivity. It’ll help your readers to suggest other options where they can choose to write from.

62. Weird or Funny Things You Heard That Week

We hear odd and hilarious things almost every day. People on the subway or in the office can say things intentionally or accidentally that makes you laugh.

Write about these humorous moments in a blog post.

63. How You’d Explain the Modern World to Someone pre-1900

What would you tell Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, or your own ancestors about the current United States or world?

Pick someone from the past who lived in an entirely different environment. Try to explain today’s environment to them as if they were to time travel to the modern world.

64. What You’d Include In the Time Capsule to Your Future Self

Your future self could use references from the past as a motivator or reminder of good times. Mention the items and themes you’d keep for future reference, and explain why you’re adding them to a time capsule.

An example of a time capsule is a year’s worth of gratitude messages written on their own pieces of paper. It’ll remind you of the reasons to be grateful and elevate your mood.

65. How You’d Spend a Million Dollars in Lottery Money

The chances of winning the lottery are remote, but you can always pretend.

What would you do with a million dollars? Would you buy a mansion? Donate a portion to charity? Spend it all in one year?

Write a post about this, and explain your reasoning.

66. Show the “Behind the Scenes” of Your Office

This is often a way to demonstrate company culture or represent the people running business processes. It’s a useful way to show your audience the people in charge of their success.

Share a team photo. Take a picture of your office space. It’s all about giving your readers a new insight into your business.

67. Create a Parody

Have you ever watched the “Scary Movie” parodies? Or read any articles poking fun at a movie? These are great examples of parodies.

Find a movie, television show, book, artist, or genre to create a parody about. It can be a form of entertainment or an actual person. Make it something lighthearted and entertaining.

68. Explain a Concept with Only GIFs

GIFs are huge on social media and in other forms of communication. They quickly explain a mood or theme. Emoticons are cool, but GIFs are better.

Choose something you want to teach your readers, but use only GIFs to do so.

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69. That Day’s Unofficial Holiday

You can see them trending on social media. #SelfieDay, #WorldUFODay, #WorldChocolateDay… These are all unofficial holidays. You can see many more in the Sprout Social hashtag holiday calendar.

When you have a set date for publishing blog posts, create one based on that day’s “holiday.” Explain the theme and share examples from Twitter and Instagram.

70. Create an Alternate Outcome in History

Would you prevent an assassination? Do you want to change how a war began or ended?

Discuss what you’d change and why. Bonus points if you include the effects of this change from then on. This is a great time to reference Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” and the “Butterfly Effect.”

71. Current Events in the Nation or World

Consider what’s going on around the world at the time you’re debating your next blog post idea. Is there anything problematic or upsetting you can write about, such as a war? Or, do you know of a victory you can write about, such as a war ending?

These events can be controversial at times, but it’s good to bring awareness to them with your readers nonetheless.

72. Explain New Industry Trends

What industry successes can you share? Trends can exist already, or you can create your own based on experience.

The importance here is to demonstrate how the trends can help your readers. You can test the techniques yourself, or use examples from others you find.

73. Extend Your Participation in Social Media Trends Into a Post

Twitter only allows 240 characters per tweet. Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook hide text when it gets too long. These are reasons why you might write an extension of your social media activity in its own blog post.

If you’re recovering from a viral controversy, write about what you learned from the social media users and their complaints. It’s a useful way to expand your apology, if applicable, to allow everyone to see it.

74. What Happened That Day in History

What happened on July 4th, 1776? It’s Independence Day in the USA. What about a European event, such as D-Day?

When you know you’re posting on a specific day, research historical events you can mention and explain. It’s helpful to choose events people might know but not in enough detail, such as when and where the U.S. Civil War began.

75. Full Disclosure of Blog Results or Business Profits from That Month or Quarter

People like to see businesses demonstrate transparency, and that can include bloggers. Disclose how your blog is performing, such as daily visitor counts or profits you made that year.

Buffer’s Public Revenue Dashboard is an example of business transparency. They share everything about their business successes and issues, including customer counts and revenue made.

76. History of Your Industry, Career Path, Business…

Explain your history from beginning to now. When did you start, or when did your industry? How did you grow step by step? Did you have any setbacks?

Share your history as a timeline graphic, but expand on it further down in your post. People like to see this information to help them succeed as well.

77. Celebrate an Anniversary

The actual anniversary can be anything with a start date: a wedding, the first post you published, the day you made your first profit…

Pick an event you can celebrate in its own post. Write about its importance and how things have gone ever since. Were there any roadblocks or advancements along the way?

78. Recap a Recent Event You Attended

Did you recently attend a conference? A concert? A webinar?

Write about how it went. Explain what went well and what could’ve been better. Include both the information and any emotions you felt along the way. Provide any takeaways you have now as lessons learned and applicable knowledge.

79. Your Favorite Historical Event and Why

The U.S. Civil War had a huge impact on the country. The South did not secede and slavery became illegal. This war is a popular one for how important it was for America’s future.

What event or series of events can you write about with enthusiasm? Pick one you know well and feel passionate about. This passion can show in your writing.

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80. Discuss Illusions We Have About Money or Power

Do you have a contrary opinion about a common illusion?

You can write counter-arguments about what money really buys or what it doesn’t. Give your opinion on financial power. Does the world actually have to be controlled by the wealthy?

81. Set Ground Rules for a Debate to be Hosted In the Comments

Give your readers instructions and a topic for them to respond to in a comment. Make sure the topic has clear sides people can take, and let them debate with each other about them.

82. Your Own Presidential Campaign in Theory

Here’s a tricky post blog topic. The current state of politics around the world is controversial even without your post. This is one of those times you should know your audience well.

Choose what political affiliation you’d join as a presidential candidate, and create your own campaign plan. Run with it from the beginning to whether you’re elected or not.

83. Criticize Things You Can’t Change

We can’t change a lot about the world and life as a whole. We can’t prevent aging or change the current weather conditions.

Find something you know is fixed and permanently in that state. It can be something simple and agreeable, such as criticizing the temperature outside. Or, it can be more controversial to cause a stir.

84. List the Most Common Stereotypes, Where They Come From, and Their Consequences or Effects

A person’s nationality, skin color, or religion is often used as a stereotype to judge a group of people. They all have an origin and can affect people in many ways.

Create a list of the stereotypes you see as prevalent in your country or the world. This is your opportunity to explain why these prejudices are wrong and damaging.

85. Challenge a Popular Opinion

Are you a fan of Game of Thrones, or are you one of those who never enjoyed it?

Do you agree with a popular opinion, or can you challenge one from your minority input?

Challenging a majority about what they like or believe is true is a controversy in the making. Provide legitimate arguments to defend your contrary opinion, and avoid hostile language.

86. Revisit an Old Argument or Controversy

We’ve moved on from some arguments and viral controversies, but you can always revive them with your own analysis.

What can you bring up again to remind people about? Find something you can give new details about to offer a reason for the reminder.

87. Make Up a Rumor and Try to Convince People It’s Real

This isn’t a time to attack a person with insults and threats. Create a rumor that sparks curiosity but for entertainment purposes.

You can expand on an existing rumor or invent your own. Try to get this rumor to spread beyond your blog by promoting your post everywhere.

88. Things You Like That Others Hate

Have you ever enjoyed eating a lemon by itself for no reason? Very few people do.

Choose an activity or item that’s usually disliked but you enjoy, and share your reasoning or story in a blog post.

89. Analyze Some of Humanity’s Greatest Mistakes

What’s considered a mistake? Does everyone agree it was the wrong decision? You can cause a little controversy by analyzing a decision that isn’t universally considered a mistake.

On the other hand, you can choose a decision that the majority agrees was a mistake. Make an argument for why it wasn’t actually a bad decision, if you can.

90. Start a Blogging War

Find another blogger you can team up with to create a mock “war” between you. As long as you keep it fun, you can entertain both blogger audiences.

It can get controversial if you start insulting each other or direct your attention on the blogger instead of their blog. Be mindful that this should be a collaboration, not real hostility between you.

91. Confess to Your Biggest Mistakes

We all make mistakes, but some are big and potentially controversial. You might have made a mistake that caused serious consequences.

Do you have any mistakes you can include in a blog post? Select a mistake you learned from, and share those lessons with a final outcome.

92. Challenge a Truth

What fact do you think you can argue against? How can you create a counter-argument to prove your point?

This can be tough to do, but it’s an effective way to demonstrate your creativity. It can be controversial if you choose a heated topic.

93. Predict the Future and Back-up Your Claims

A prediction might be relevant to a specific industry, or it could focus on mainstream news. What industry trends can you predict? Who do you think will win the Academy Award for Best Actor?

You’ll have better luck proving your prediction if you can give evidence of its validity. Demonstrate why and how your prediction will take place.

Example: The Future of Books by Jaime Buckley

94. Argue Both Sides of a Debate and Give Your Opinion

Choose a topic currently debated, and analyze each side of the topic. Then, take a side to contribute your own opinion.

This can be a heated debate, such as a news story, or it can be calmer, such as an industry best practice. Whichever debate you choose, make sure you’re explaining both sides equally before taking a side yourself.

95. Explain Why Something Mainstream Failed

Every year, an abundance of mainstream events, services, and businesses fail. Some of the most well-known failures of late are Fyre Festival, Google+, and Payless.

It can be tough to explain a failure everyone knows about. People already know why, so it’s better to give your own take on it or find a lesser-known example.

96. Choose an Infamous Criminal You’d Meet and Explain Why

Would you want to meet Charles Manson? Or Hannibal Lecter? The criminal doesn’t have to be someone known to be evil. You might even want to meet someone wrongfully convicted.

In your blog post, explain why you’d meet that person and what you’d talk about. What would you do afterward, if anything?

97. Share Shocking Customer Service Stories

blog post ideas customer service 97 compressor

You might have heard about the viral Comcast customer service story from back in 2014. Someone tried to resolve an issue, but Comcast made it near impossible to achieve.

Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger had his own experience with Southwest Airlines. They wouldn’t accommodate his needs as he tried to board an airplane.

Some customer service stories hit closer to home. Have you experienced your own customer service difficulty? Share your own story or analyze someone else’s in a blog post.

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98. 5 Words to Describe Yourself, Your Business, Your Blog…

Can you be this concise? Five words might be too tough, so try to narrow the description down to something more manageable.

Describe a self-promotion topic in only a few words or one sentence. Keep it as simple as possible. Then, use the rest of your post to expand on what you wrote.

99. A Public Apology

Businesses make mistakes, and people expect an apology. Show genuine understanding and legitimate commitment to preventing further issues.

If you make a mistake, write your apology as a blog post.

Example: We’re Sorry by HubSpot

100. Your Manifesto

According to Merriam Webster, a manifesto is “a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.”

Do you have your own manifesto? Create one and share it as a blog post.

101. Your Memoir or Autobiography

People love stories based on real people and their actual lives. Your dedicated readers will want to learn more about you, so why not write a shortened memoir about your life?

It can be specific to a single event or aspect of your life.

For example, you can write a memoir about an event that changed your life. Did you experience a large setback in your career? What prompted it? What happened because of it? How did you cope or overcome this challenge?

102. Your Business or Blog Origin Story

What inspired you to start your business or blog? How did you begin?

Share why you started this path and what you did over time to help it grow.

103. Speech Notes from Your Recent Presentation

It can be a presentation or something more personal, such as a wedding toast.

Share your draft or notes from when you gave your speech. You can also add details about how the speech went. Was it well-received? Did you learn anything from the experience?

104. Identify What Makes Your Business, Products, or Blog Unique

This is an expanded version of your mission statement or value proposition.

What would you say if an investor asked why they should care? What do you offer that others don’t?

105. Share Your Company’s (or Your Own) Values, Passions, or Mission

An open company, such as Sprout Social, usually includes around five values and maybe a mission statement. Some companies share a list of topics they’re passionate about.

What can you share about your own company? If it’s just you, share your own values, passions, and mission.

106. Describe Your Company Culture

It’s becoming increasingly popular and expected for companies to have a publicized culture. This means explaining how your team works together and what you all value.

Some businesses dedicate a whole webpage to explain their culture, but you can do both. Create a blog post that introduces and explains your company culture in a different way.

Example: The HubSpot Culture Code: Creating a Company We Love by Dharmesh Shah

107. Feature Expert Reviews of Your Content or Offerings

This is similar to a roundup post. You worked hard to create something, and getting experts to review it is important. With these reviews, you can attract more people who will now value your material and take it seriously.

Sometimes these expert reviews can be similar to social proof. You can feature the praise you received on social media in your blog post.

108. Share Your Resume or Portfolio

If you’re trying to impress as a job seeker or influencer, this blog idea can be effective.

Put a version of your resume up, but format it to fit with the rest of your blog. You might even consider creating an infographic out of it.

109. Interview a Team Member or Company Leadership

Who are the masterminds behind the scenes at your company?

Whether it’s teammates or executives, create an interview structure as a blog post. Share both personal and professional staff answers. It’ll give your readers a better appreciation and connection with you all.

110. Compare Your Products with Your Competitors’

How are your products or services better than other companies in your industry? Why should people buy yours instead of theirs?

Write a blog post that emphasizes how your offerings are a better choice. Provide the good with the bad for your competitors. Then explain how your offerings can help prospective buyers more effectively.

Example: A Detailed Review of the Best Daily Planners on the Market by Marta Brzosko

111. Introduce a New Hire

Did you recently hire a new teammate?

This is the perfect time to give them a warm welcome. Sharing company culture announcements, such as hiring updates, also gives your readers an inside look at how your company is growing.

112. Create Your Guest Contributor Writing Guidelines

If you accept guest posts, your expectations need to be clear. Create a descriptive guide explaining what you’re looking for and how to pitch.

Give your readers what they need to know before they reach out, and that’ll help you narrow down the pitches.

Examples: Write for MarketingProfs by MarketingProfs and Write for Us by Be A Better Blogger

113. Answer FAQs About Your Business, Products, or Blog

Give your website visitors a single place to go if they have typical questions.

Answer these frequently asked questions as clearly and helpfully as possible, with links to relevant internal pages to continue visitor traffic and increase interest.

114. Share a Company, Product, or Blog Update

Do you have news about a new product feature? Is your company expanding its offerings?

Write a news post that updates your readers about anything that has changed.

115. Promote Your New Offer

A blog post can tell your readers about your offers. CoSchedule always adds templates and guides with their blog posts. They use these content upgrades to gather contact information.

You can also dedicate an entire blog post to promote your offer. Copyblogger is known to do that.

116. Share a Case Study

You’ve worked hard to make your customers happy, and creating case studies is the best next step.

Share your most recent or best case studies to promote your business. Keep it themed by product or category to appeal to a targeted audience.

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117. Write a Short Story

Are you an aspiring or successful fiction writer? Writing a short story on your blog is a useful way to get people’s attention.

Choose a plotline that can serve a themed purpose based on who you are and what your blog is about. Then, write a short story that goes from beginning to end, or leave your readers with a cliffhanger.

118. Your Oldest Memory

Whether it’s a nap in kindergarten or your first bite of pizza, what’s the first thing you remember?

119. Keep a Journal About a Major Life Event

Are you going through something tough, such as a divorce? Is there an event happening that’s more uplifting, such as a sabbatical?

Record every day or every activity during that major event. Use a journal format to publish as a blog post or series of posts.

120. A Poem You Wrote or One You Value from Someone Else

Poetry is moving and powerful. It can inspire people, especially writers, to continue with their craft or goal.

Poetry can range from Edgar Allan Poe to Maya Angelou. Pick one or a few you like, or better yet, write your own.

121. A Strange Tradition In Your Family

Do you have a family tradition that others might consider unusual?

Share these traditions as a blog post. See if your readers relate to them or have their own strange traditions.

122. Your Most Significant Life Event

Whether it’s a marriage, new child, or something affecting your professional life, they are all significant events to share as blog posts.

Tell your readers about what happened, how you felt about it, and what happened as a result. Give your readers a story that inspires or teaches them.

123. Record a Travel Journey

Are you living the nomad life? Are you taking a short-term trip somewhere?

Share your journey as you reside or visit different places. What did you do there? What did you like or dislike about your time there?

124. Every Detail About Your Pet or Favorite Animal

Are you a cat or dog owner? Or do you have a favorite wild animal?

Take a picture and describe this animal in every detail.

This isn’t limited to physical appearance. Share your behavioral observations, and give your opinions about good or bad qualities.

125. Share Personal Photos and Explain Their Significance

Pick a photo you own of family, a place, or anything special. Then, explain why you value this photo.

Why did you pick that specific photo? What’s its significance to you? This is an opportunity to tell a whole story based on a single photo.

126. Weird Thoughts You’ve Had

Think about a time when something random popped into your head.

What sparked this weird thought, if anything? Was it something humorous or just random?

Write a blog post about any weird thoughts that recently came up. Or, pick ones from a while ago that were so strange you still remember them.

127. An Embarrassing Story

We all have stories we consider embarrassing, but which ones are funny or relatable?

Give your readers a good laugh by telling them one of your most embarrassing experiences. Don’t be afraid to expose any goofiness or other humorous causes.

128. Your Biggest Fears or Phobias

What are you most afraid of, and why does this affect you so much? What caused this fear or phobia?

129. Choose Your Superpower and Explain Why

The Marvel superheroes give you some ideas, so which superpower would you want to have?

Explain the reasons why you’d want this superpower and what you’d do with it.

130. Your Favorite Memory

Did you have an event where something memorable happened? Was there someone who did something meaningful for you? Or, do you remember doing something kind for someone else?

Your favorite memory spans from your earliest childhood experience to today. You have a vast supply of ideas, but is there one your readers would appreciate reading about?

131. Write an Open Letter to a Business or Individual

One of the best ways to get a specific person, group, or business’ attention is to write a public letter to them as a blog post.

Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger writes open letters to bloggers for various reasons.

His posts speak directly to bloggers under that theme. It’s an effective way of making a connection with that targeted audience.

Write about why you admire a group or why you respect a specific situation.

Example: An Open Letter to Writers Struggling to Find Their Courage by Jon Morrow

132. Choose Who You’d Switch Places with and Why

Is there a person either real or fictional, dead or alive, who you’d switch places with if you could?

Pick someone from a popular television show or movie. Is there a book character you’d switch with? Or a historical person?

133. Profile Your Role Model

This can be someone you know personally, such as a family member, or it can be someone you admire from a distance.

Who inspires you, and how do their life choices affect your own?

134. Your Favorite Place or Possession and Its Significance

You might have a favorite vacation spot or a specific environment. Or, it might be a childhood toy.

Whatever you choose, share a photo and explain why it’s so important to you. Tell its backstory and how it affected you from the start.

135. A Memorial About Someone You Lost

Have you lost a member of your family? Did you have a pet that recently passed?

Release your grief in the form of a memorial blog post. Your readers might relate or show sympathy.

136. Create a New Joke

Those “knock, knock” jokes are well-past overdone. This is an opportunity for you to make people laugh with your own joke.

Keep it civil unless you’re trying to spark controversy.

137. Favorite Plot Twists

Hollywood has produced a wide array of entertainment with plot twists. Which one surprised you the most?

Some of the biggest surprises of modern movie history have been during Atonement, Fight Club, and anything by M. Night Shyamalan.

138. Your Family History or Ancestry

Every family has stories to tell, including their ancestry and any impact on each other and society.

Share a story behind your family tree. You can focus on your immediate relatives going back in time, or extend it to an entire side of your family (paternal or maternal).

139. Rant About a Pet Peeve

What bothers you most about society, your surroundings, your family, or yourself? Can you name what your most prominent pet peeve is?

Describe why it’s a problem for you, and include any details about what you do when you face it during your day.

140. Describe a Recent Dream or Nightmare

Dreams are ideal, but it seems like we remember nightmares more vividly. Did you recently have a memorable dream? Or was it a haunting nightmare?

Share the experience with your readers in a blog post.

141. Your Personal or Professional, Short-term and Long-term, Goals

Goal setting is the best way to stay focused and motivated. You can create a milestones path or keep your goals as a list.

Whichever approach you choose, explain what goals you’d add for yourself. Make it a theme (personal vs professional) and include both short-term and long-term goals.

142. The People or Things You Can’t Live Without

We have people in our lives we value as companions. We might also have possessions we treasure.

Write a blog post about the people in your life you couldn’t live without (not literally), or list items you hold dear.

143. Favorite Fictional Character and Why

A fictional character can come from television, movies, or books. Pick a character that you relate to or respect. Find one that inspires or entertains you.

In a blog post, explain why you chose this character. If they are lesser-known, share more about where they’re from, their backstory, and any other descriptions you have.

144. Favorite Quote and Why You Chose It

A favorite quote blog post goes beyond sharing the quote itself.

It explains why you chose it, including how you feel about the message and what impact it has on you. You can also give a backstory of where the quote originated and describe any historical impact it had.

145. Favorite Sport, Team, and Mascot

What sport do you watch every season with enthusiasm? Which team do you know every player’s name and jersey number? Is there a mascot in any sport you like the most?

Whether it’s ice hockey with the Philadelphia Flyers and their “Gritty” mascot, or another combination, share your passion with your blog readers.

146. Favorite Song, Band, or Music Genre and Its Significance to You

Which musical artist do you listen to every time you play music? Do you have a favorite song or genre?

Describe your interests, including why you chose them and how they affect you.

147. A Challenge You’re Doing with Progress Updates

A challenge for this type of post should be multi-step and inspiring. You’ll want to have ways of sharing your progress over time, and your readers will appreciate any motivational stories you share with each update.

Some popular challenges people follow publicly are diets, weight loss, or getting in shape. Any challenge to improve one’s health is bound to be popular.

On the other hand, nonprofit fundraisers can have a huge impact if you share them as your challenging process blog post.

148. Your Hobbies

What do you do whenever you have an opportunity to step away from work? Is there a recreational activity you do regularly?

The selection of different hobbies out there is endless, but the benefits of having one are clear.

149. Your Dream Vacation

Where would you travel to if you had the opportunity? Say you had an unlimited budget and endless vacation days at work.

Describe where you’d go, why, and what you’d do while there.

150. Explain What’s On Your Bucket List

You don’t have to be dying to create this type of blog post. In fact, this topic can actually be used for humor.

Share what you’d put on your “bucket list” of final activities. What would you do? Where would you go? These are all the things you can list in your post.

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151. Analyze Human Behavior in Specific Settings

What have people done during past natural disasters? What did they do to survive?

How have people responded to unnatural disasters? Were they helpful or passive? Did they support each other or run away?

Analyze these past situations to predict how humans would behave in future instances.

152. Examine Different Cultures and Their Practices

Each country has its own culture, and people live differently from other parts of the world.

If you’re in the USA, describe how you live differently from, say, the Japanese. Compare your country and practices with other societies.

153. Invent a Product and Share Your Idea

Are you the next Steve Jobs? Or would you invent a new service for blogging efficiency?

Share your ideas of what you’d create, who would benefit from it, and how it would work.

Disclaimer: make sure you seek a patent or copyright if you’re seriously considering this.

154. Create Your Own Conspiracy Theory

There are alternate theories about major events throughout history.

For example, some say aliens exist and an invasion is imminent. They say the United States government hides the evidence in Area 51.

Do you have your own conspiracy theory? Share your reasoning in a blog post.

155. Things You’d Change About the World

What could you improve around the world? Would you end hunger? Stop a genocide?

Those are sinister examples of global issues, but is there something different you’d change (end or fix)?

156. List Some of the Most Unusual Phobias

You might’ve heard about people who fear spiders (arachnophobia) or fear the outdoors (agoraphobia).

Those are more common than, say, alektorophobia (fear of chickens) or globophobia (fear of balloons).

157. Examine Scientific Mysteries of the Universe

Is there life out there? Can humans thrive on other planets or their moons?

These scientific mysteries are still unsolved, so you have an opportunity to analyze them yourself.

158. Ridiculous Laws Around the World

Did you know you can engage in cannibalism in Idaho if you’re in life-threatening conditions? In Singapore, chewing gum is illegal.

There are random and controversial laws in every U.S, State and other countries as well.

Create your own list of these ridiculous laws to share with your readers.

159. Your Answer to “What is the Meaning of Life?”

It’s the ultimate question we all want answered.

Deep Thought* answered it with “42,” but you can provide your own interpretation.

*From The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books and movie

160. Your Answer to An Existential Question

Other than “what is the meaning of life,” you have lots of questions you can answer about our existence.

What happens when we die? Is there a higher power?

Choose an existential question you can answer with your own words and opinions.

161. The Different Types of Addictions, Their Cause, Their Consequences, and What Helps People Overcome Them

Humans today are vulnerable to all kinds of addiction.

Some are more serious than others (television shows versus heroin, for example).

You can create a long list as a blog post while explaining their causes and consequences. Also include tips and resources to help people overcome their addictions.

162. Find a Lifestyle Problem and Suggest a Solution

Look into the lifestyles that might start off fine but can become problematic over time. Give a suggestion for how to prevent or resolve any issues resulting from those lifestyles.

For example, collecting something can expand into hoarding sometimes.

163. Promote a Cause

Pet lovers might advocate for shelters. Inner city nonprofits assist at-risk youth, which is a cause worth promoting as well.

Look in yourself and find what motivates you to act. Then, find a nonprofit that supports this need.

164. A Glimpse Into an Industry-Specific Person’s Life

Do you have a writer you can interview for an inside look into their daily life? Or is there someone in a different field that relates better to your blog theme?

Write a blog post that shows a different, more personal side to someone’s life.

Example: Kevin Duncan and the Way to Work-Life Balance in Content Marketing by Alyssa Erichsen

165. Examine the Origins of a Business or Industry

Choose whether you want to examine a business or an industry. It can be yours or another one.

Take a close look at how it began, including the steps and challenges involved. Were there any setbacks or controversies?

166. Interview an Influencer

Influencers don’t accept any and all interview requests. If you get that opportunity, you need to make it worthwhile for them and your readers.

Be sure you know everything about interviewing influencers. What questions will you ask? How many? How long should it take?

Example: How to Be a Better Blogger with Kevin J. Duncan by Jeni B.

167. About Your Favorite Business or Brand

What is it about a business or brand that you like or appreciate? What do they do or offer that you admire or enjoy?

Share why this business or brand is your favorite, and convince your readers to feel the same way.

168. Technology Breakthroughs and Why They’re Successful

Think of an advancement in technology that is new and makes a huge impact. What made this breakthrough successful? How did it affect society to have this impact?

For example, the iPhone was an innovative technology that changed how phones were made from then on.

Example: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2019 by Karen Hao

169. Disprove a Theory or Myth

Do people still believe that the Earth is flat? That’s less likely believed.

Do some people believe in an urban legend or conspiracy theory? That’s something you can argue against.

170. Recommended Haunted Locations to Visit

You have haunted houses with actors and props.

Then you have haunted prisons and other locations with dark or mysterious histories. Those are truly haunted places you can recommend to readers looking for a good scare.

Example: 15 of the Best Haunted Houses in America by Reader’s Digest

171. Recommended Museums to Visit

The Smithsonian Museum or Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) are popular places you can recommend, but what are some that are less common?

Expand your recommendations to local museums instead of only national or international ones. Create a theme, such as a war or historical event, to give your readers a list they might not have considered before.

172. Favorite Apps, Services, or Tools

Are you a fan of a social media management service? Or an entertaining mobile app? Or a free online tool?

Create a descriptive list of your favorites with pros and cons for each.

Example: The 21 Best Content Marketing Tools in 2020 (Best of the Best) by Westrow Cooper

173. Write a Book Review

What’s a book you recently read? Or, reread one from a while back.

Then, analyze the good and bad about that book. What was well done versus not? Do you recommend that book to a specific reader type?

Example: Stephen King Reviews Laura Lippman’s New Novel, ‘Lady in the Lake’ by Stephen King

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174. Initiate a “Show and Tell” in the Comments

Did you ever show off something in school as a homework assignment, explaining why you chose it to your classmates?

“Show and Tell” is a popular activity in general, so why not offer it as an opportunity for your readers?

Start by sharing something of your own. Then, offer your readers to show off something they value in the blog comments section.

175. Create an Ongoing Mystery for Others to Solve

What could you imagine as a suspenseful or entertaining mystery?

Share clues as blog posts to get your readers to participate. Allow them to give their questions and possible answers in a comment, but don’t give away the correct answer until the end.

176. Respond to Common Complaints

What are some issues people have in your field or blog genre?

Give your own ideas for resolving these complaints, even if you’re not responsible for them.

Example: 5 Common Complaints About Meetings and What to Do About Them by Paul Axtell

177. Host a Blog Collaboration Event

Choose another blogger who relates well with your own blog. Work together on a reader activity or event, and see if you can pull it off as a collaboration effort.

You might collaborate on a live blogging session or a Q&A. Consider creating a writing contest or activity together for both readerships to join.

178. Start a Challenge for Other People to Participate In

Say you shared a progress series about weight loss. You can help your readers follow your success by suggesting they challenge themselves, too.

As an alternative, participate in a challenge along with your readers, and check in to allow them to share their own progress in real-time.

179. Respond to Someone Else’s Post or Idea

You might have run into another blog post or someone’s question on social media. Use this reference to respond in your own post.

Give a critique of their blog post and offer your input. Answer any questions or praise any innovative ideas.

180. Join an Existing Challenge, Event, or Conversation

Did you ever run into a popular activity going viral online? Perhaps you participated in a fundraiser, such as the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS research.

Find a current activity you can join, and record your participation in a blog post.

181. Highlight User-Generated Content with Creative Uses of Your Products

You have valued customers, and they’re enjoying your products. Ask them to share how they’re using them. Then, feature their social media post* about it through your own accounts as well as on your website.

*Make sure you get proper permissions first. It’s important to include your sharing terms when contacting your customer.

182. Feature Specific Followers or Blog Comments

People love feeling loved, especially when they think they’re unimportant or ignored by a brand.

By featuring your most engaging or valued followers or commentators, you give them the spotlight. They’ll also see that you’re paying attention and genuinely care.

183. Showcase a Small Business, Artist, Writer…

Have you participated in “Small Business Saturday” after Thanksgiving? Do you visit art shows or galleries? Who is a writer you appreciate?

Write a blog post that showcases them, including the reasons why they deserve reader attention. Your references will appreciate the free promotion.

184. Send Out a Quiz

Buzzfeed is well-known for creating popular and fun quizzes. You can quiz yourself on how well you know the Game of Thrones television show or determine which house you’d fit in at Hogwarts.

Quizzes are a useful way of getting current subscribers to stay engaged, and you can acquire more readership through them as well.

Example: Sorry ‘90s Kids, Only ‘00s Kids Are Passing This Quiz by Nora Dominick

185. Ask for Opinions with a Poll

Do you want to vet a new blog topic to see if your readers want to see it? Or, are you trying to determine the current sentiment your readers have about your blog?

Add a poll to your next blog post and send it out to your email list.

186. Run a Contest

Contests are fun and engaging. You’ll see your own rewards when you create contests your readers will love. Having a relevant and valuable price helps, too.

A blog post is a practical place for introducing your contest. Convince your readers to participate and set the ground rules in this post.

187. Survey Your Audience and Share the Results

Test your audience on a topic, or get their industry input for your next research study.

With surveys, you give your readers a voice and power over survey results. Make sure you share the final results to let them know how everyone else responded, too.

Example: State of Social 2019 by Buffer

188. Allow Guest Authors

Do you ever feel daunted by the high number of posts you need to publish within a short period of time? You have a list of ideas, but your schedule has overwhelmed you.

This is one of those times when you can open your blog to guest contributors. You can take an invite-only approach or allow anyone to apply.

189. Showcase Accounts to Follow on Social Media

Follower counts are one major way people choose accounts to follow on social media. If you only have 1,000 followers right now, you won’t grow that number as fast as an account that has 100,000.

This is why they’d appreciate some free promotion in a blog post. Compile a list of accounts you agree with that might need a boost in followers, and share that list on your blog.

Example: 13 Most Useful Twitter Accounts to Follow by Claire Scanlon

190. Suggest Other Blogs to Follow

Blog recommendation lists can expand your reach and influence. You can get the other bloggers’ attention, and your readers will appreciate the extra resources around that topic.

Don’t be afraid to write this post. You won’t be driving people away, and you should always feature your own blog within that post, too.

191. Respond to a Tweet in Length

240 characters is not enough to say much, and the restriction can even cause miscommunications.

That’s why you’d benefit from writing a blog post response. It can be your tweet or someone else’s, but the point is to get your message out without creating 10+ tweets to explain.

192. Live-Blog a Conference

Many conferences promote a live-tweet opportunity for those at conferences and from afar. Live-blogging is an expanded version of that.

Write daily recaps of what happened and what you learned. Share your expectations beforehand and then analyze the experience after it’s over. This tactic can be a huge hit with new audiences as long as you let attendees and hosts know you’re doing it.

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193. What are the top 5 distractions affecting your productivity, and how are you overcoming them?

194. What scares you the most? Why?

195. What is the earliest memory you have?

196. What is your plan for achieving your goals this year?

197. What is this year’s bad habit you’re trying to break?

198. What is your 5-year plan? 10-year?

199. What’s on your reading list this year?

200. What is your dream job?

201. What inspires you?

202. What is your life motto?

203. Who is your favorite sports mascot?

204. How do you schedule your workweek?

205. How do you work while traveling?

206. What life events had the strongest impact on you?

207. What are your family traditions?

208. What piece of advice do you value most? Who told it to you?

209. What is your ideal vacation spot? What would you do there?

210. If you could travel anywhere around the globe, where would you go? Who would you invite to join you?

211. If you could have dinner with any three people, who would you choose and why? What would the conversation be about?

212. If you were a witness to a historical event, which one would it be and why?

213. How do you stay current and informed in your field and industry?

214. Which person would you say you can’t live without? Why?

215. Have you made a public speech recently?

216. What is a day in someone’s life within your field like?

217. What skills are necessary to succeed in your field?

218. What are some common lessons learned within your field?

219. What is the toughest part about working in your field?

220. What kinds of blogs do you follow?

221. Who is the one fictional character you relate to most?

222. If there isn’t a movie based on your favorite book, who would you cast for each character?

223. What are your favorite blog plugins?

224. What is your favorite memory and why?

225. What is the best gift you’ve ever received? Why do you value it?

226. What’s on your current music playlist?

227. How do you ideally spend your days off?

228. What are you most passionate about?

229. What are the top lessons you learned this year?

230. What do you do to stay inspired?

231. What do you do to stay productive?

232. If you could change anything about your past, what would it be and why?

233. What do you wish you knew before you started blogging?

234. How do you get people to read your blog posts?

235. What are 5 things no one knows about you?

236. Why did you choose to start a blog?

237. How do you find blog ideas?

238. Who are 5 bloggers you admire?

239. How has your blogging changed since you began?

240. What is your industry’s history?

241. What do you want to learn next and how will you do it?

242. What are some industry terms you can define and explain?

243. What are the current trends in your industry?

244. What are your favorite movies?

245. Do you have an embarrassing story you’re brave enough to share?

246. What is the biggest success in your life so far?

247. What is the biggest mistake you made in your life so far?

248. What would you say to your younger self?

249. What makes you the happiest?

250. What lessons do you appreciate learning from your parents?

251. What is your favorite restaurant? And the best dish there?

252. What books are on your bookshelf?

253. What podcasts do you listen to?

254. What is your morning routine? Evening?

255. How do you relax after a long day?

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So Many Blog Ideas, So Little Time

You now have enough blog post ideas and question prompts to get you through even the worst of dry spells.

Are you ready to take that empty calendar and fill it to the brim?

Take a deep breath, stretch, and get to writing.

And if there’s a great blog idea, blog topic, or question prompt you’d like to see added to the list, let us know in a comment below.

If our editor likes it, he might add it and cite you as the source.

Good luck, my friend.

You’ve got this.

The post 255 Blog Post Ideas That’ll Tantalize Your Readers in 2020 appeared first on Smart Blogger.